Aerial Impact Photography

Low Level Aerial Photography provides a view that is entirely different from Traditional (airplane) Aerial Photography.  Traditional Aerial Photography beautifully presents the property and its suroundings.  Low Level Aerial Photography gives a far more personal feel to its subject.  It presents more as an artist's rendition than as an aerial photograph.

Hopefully these pictures will help you understand the difference between the different types of aerial photography we provide.

                In the example below, you get a beautiful overview of the 
                estate taken from an airplane.  
                Private Estate - Airplane   

                The two pictures that follow show an entirely different view of the same 
                property.  The first is taken from sightly above ground level to highlight the 
                bridge and landscaping and the second shows off the details of the 
                house and pool.

                    Private Estate - Low Level Aerial Photography

                    Private Estate - Low Level Aerial Photography

In principle, Traditional Aerial Photography is simple.  Open the window of the airplane, lean out, compose the picture, take the picture.  Low Level Aerial Photography requires a bit more technology.

                    Metro Hospital - Low Level Aerial Photography

                In these two pictures of Metro Health you can clearly see the difference
                between Low Level and Traditional Aerial Photography.

                    Metro Health Comples - Airplane

Our blimp based Low Level Aerial Photography system still allows the photographer to see what the camera sees but is done with his feet firmly on the ground. The 18' blimp is moved around the site at different altitudes (from almost ground level to 200') while the photographer watches a video screen to find the best angles.  Through the use of a live video link, as well as zoom, pan and tilt controls, the photographer is able to control the camera in real time to get the best possible pictures. 

                    Saint Marys Health - Airplane     

                These pictures of the Staint Mary's Health Complex help to illustrate the 
                strengths and limitations of Traditional versus Low Level Aerial Photography.
                The first shows the entire property but does not compliment the actual 
                building.  In the second picture you begin to get a feel for the personality 
                of the building. These both were taken from an airplane.

                    Saint Marys Health - Airplane

                In the third and final picture, taken from our Low Level Aerial blimp you 
                are able to get a real sense of the beauty and scope of the building.  
                This angle would not be possible from an airplane with the same 
                results.  Airplanes are limited as to how low they are allowed to fly and 
                using a long lens would put the photographer very far away from the subject.

                    Saint Marys Health - Low Level Aerial Photography 

All images are Copyrighted by Bob Dittmer - Dittmer & Company Photography & Aerial Impact Photography

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